Consulting on Child Welfare & Behavioral Health

As a national leader in child welfare and behavioral healthcare, KVC provides consulting to state government agencies, private service providers and international governments on how to improve child and family wellbeing.

Types of training and consulting services include:

Operational Assistance

  • Manage to outcomes
  • Assess the existing culture; internal and external
  • Manage change within your environment
  • Develop stakeholder communication plans

Programmatic Assistance

  • Build your foster home capacity
  • Design your community-based service array
  • Develop proposals to funders for needed services
  • Redesign your residential services

To learn how assistance from KVC Health Systems may benefit your organization, contact Chad Anderson, Chief Clinical Officer, at (913) 322-4900 or

Case Study: Hennepin County, Minnesota

Minneapolis Skyline - Hennepin County KVC Child Welfare PartnershipHennepin County flipped its child protection system from reactive to proactive — to improve outcomes for children and families, address the system’s disparities and transform the workplace culture.

KVC’s Safe & Connected™ Consultation & Information Sharing Framework® has been instrumental in making this shift.

“It helps us look at the case from a different perspective,” said Annie Jordan, Hennepin County child protection practitioner.

Learn more here: Hennepin County, Minnesota Partners with KVC Health Systems to Transform Its Child Welfare Approach

Case Study: Camber Children’s Mental Health Webinars

Each spring and fall, Camber Children’s Mental Health, a nonprofit subsidiary of KVC Health Systems, offers free educational webinars for professionals. Topic have included suicide prevention, diagnosing and treating youth mental health disorders, ethics and more. Thousands of people have participated in these free educational webinars, earning continuing education units (CEUs) along the way.

Learn more here: Camber Webinars and Other Educational Videos

Case Study: Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools 

Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools and Camber Children’s Mental Health (previously known as KVC Hospitals) worked together to provide training to the school district staff on how to support our students impacted by trauma. The training was made possible through a generous $175,000 grant awarded to KCKPS by the Wyandotte Health Foundation.

Experiencing childhood trauma can leave lasting negative impacts to attention, memory, social/emotional skills and cognition. When a student’s ability to focus, organize and process is interfered with, it may lead to behavioral problems in the classroom, poor attendance at school, increased drop-out rates and health issues.

Watch this video to learn more about creating a trauma-sensitive school district:

The training for school district staff happened over a three-year period and was implemented according to school clusters. The trainings occurred in 2019-21. This project has the opportunity to become a 3 year special initiative with the Wyandotte Health Foundation. Additionally, the school district and KVC are pursuing additional funding opportunities for this project.

Case Study: Washington, D.C.

Consulting - Washington DC

The Washington, D.C. Child and Family Services Agency contracted with KVC to provide a “shared executive” to help drive improvements in their system with the goal of exiting the lawsuit under which they have operated since 1989. This led to an additional contract for implementation of Trauma Systems Therapy (TST), a significant element of KVC’s model, to full fidelity throughout the Washington D.C. system.

So far, the District has made significant progress in achieving required improvements by introducing KVC’s innovative strategies. One federal judge who is monitoring the District’s improvement congratulated the agency, and stated, “It’s clear that (the best practices introduced by KVC) have revolutionized the child welfare practice at CFSA.” Agency director Brenda Donald has likewise been complimentary of KVC for the practice improvements made.

By training thousands of people in Trauma Systems Therapy (TST); enacting reforms to foster parent recruitment, licensing, and training; and introducing other aspects of the unique KVC model, KVC is applying lessons learned to raise the bar for children in our nation’s capital.

Learn more about the results of KVC’s consulting relationship with Washington, D.C.’s child welfare agency here.

Case Study: Singapore

Consulting - Singapore visit

Singapore’s Ministry of Family and Social Development recently began receiving consulting and training from KVC Health Systems. Singapore’s interest is focused on reducing the length of stay for children who have been removed from their families, reintegration strategies for children and their families, specialized services for children, and the unique KVC family-centered practice model which consists of evidence-based practices like Trauma Systems Therapy.

Two Singapore delegations have visited KVC headquarters in the greater Kansas City area to meet with leaders and observe operations. Most recently, Ms. Ho Wei Tshen, Senior Psychologist and Assistant Manager for the Ministry, spent one month with KVC Hospitals staff learning how a trauma-informed system of care looks at children through a different lens. Her time with KVC will be translated back into her work with youth and shared with government leaders as they look to enhance care.

Read more about KVC’s consulting relationship with Singapore’s child welfare ministry here.

Contact us about consulting 

To learn how assistance from KVC Health Systems may benefit your organization, contact Chad Anderson, Chief Clinical Officer, at (913) 322-4900 or